2019 Starlit Skies Conference
- 7.00 – Introduction, including action summary from first conference, and the 3 minute film (15 Mins)
- 7.15 – Bob Mizon (National and International Developments) (20 mins)
- 7.35 – Sophie Spencer, Director of CPRE Avonside (15 Mins)
- 7.50 – Dorothy House Case Study ( 20 Mins)
- 8.10 – Round table discussions using: (30 Mins)
- Action list from Sept 2017 Conference
- Logo card for each individual to record a planned personal action and hand in
- Logo card for each table to record a suggested collective action and hand in
- Logo card for each individual with 5 point best practice guide to take away
- 8.45 – Tables report back on their individual and collective action cards, and then hand them in. (10 Mins)
- 8.55 – Sum up, future actions, and close (5 mins)